What is Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) ? How to prepare for KAS 2019 Examination. Know more about exam pattern and syllabus

Civil service system is the backbone of the administrative machinery of the country and a well-functioning administrative system will foster growth and efficiency of the system. The administrative wings are headed by Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers, but in Kerala there is huge gap in requirement and availability of IAS officers in the state. As per 2014 data, there were around 60 vacancies of IAS officers whereas available was only 34. This huge difference in officers is affecting the proper functioning of the system.
In order to tackle this situation, Government of Kerala come up with idea of the direct recruitment of officers, who can be later conferred to the rank of IAS. This method of selection is followed in other Indian states such as Tamilandu, Bihar, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh etc. The new group of officers who are selected through this new process are called Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) officers.
Government of Kerala notified Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) Rules 2018 in 1st January 2018 as the backbone to the new group service and later they made an amendment in the rules through notification dated 11th July 2019. Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) is entitled to prepare the syllabus, exam pattern and conduct the selection process for the KAS officers.
Kerala Administrative Service is a great opportunity for the enthusiastic minds to conquer the heights of success and to serve the motherland with at most satisfaction.
KAS Insights provides you the motivation, guidance, resources, coaching and support to reach your goal. This dedicated platform will train you to become a KAS officer who will be the future IAS officer heading the administrative machinery of the state.
Exam Notification : Expected to be released on last week of August
Qualification : Degree in any Stream ( Read detailed qualification details )
Syllabus : Download KAS 2019 Syllabus
Exam Pattern : 3 Stages ( Read more about KAS 2019 Exam Pattern )
How to Crack KAS 2019 Exam - Best Preparation Strategy